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Managing sales
24 articles
SalesManage Sales Orders, Customers and Price Levels
Creating and Editing Sales OrdersCreating a Sales Order, Editing a Sales Order, Creating a SO, Editing a SO
Sales Order DetailsA view of a Sales Order in detail
Sales OrdersSales Orders explained
Sales Order Statuses and Action ButtonsSales Orders statuses and options explained.
LabelsCreate Labels to label or tag Jobs with particular information.
Collaborating over a Sales OrderCollaborate with stakeholders, over a Sales Order, and keep all relevant information in one location.
Sales Order ChecklistsUse Checklists to prioritise and track items that need to be completed
Sales Order TrackingLine Item Status to track Submitted Sales Orders more granularly
Linking Orders to a Sales OrderLink Sales and Purchase orders to establish relationships
Sales Order TimelineView the history of changes made to the Sales Order
Drawings/FlashingsAdding drawings/flashings to Sales Orders (this is additional functionality that needs to be requested)
Partial InvoicingGenerate and manage Partial Invoices for Sales Orders
Order Importer/Import productsUsing the Order Importer to import products and pricing onto an order in bulk.
Splitting Sales OrderSplitting a Sales Order will create a new, additional Order in a Draft Status
Managing your customers
CustomersA complete, searchable and sortable, list to centrally manage your customers
Add/create, edit, archive CustomersAdd, edit, archive your customer's details.
Customer Order HistoryView all Sales Orders for a selected Customer.
Customer's billing addressA Customer's Billing address details (to be displayed on invoices)
Customer's delivery address/esAll delivery addresses for a Customer.
Collaborating over a CustomerCollaborate with stakeholders, over a Customer, and keep all relevant information in one location.
Customer ContactsA view of all Contacts within an Customer account.
Customer SettingsEnable pricing, payment terms and accounting package settings for a selected Customer