The Factory Xero integration allows your company to speed up its bookkeeping processes, reduce double handling and decrease manual errors by automating the creation of customers, suppliers, invoices, purchases and bills within Xero, as they're created in Factory.
Factory <> Xero Data Flow
The data flow between Factory and Xero is primarily one way, with Factory acting as the 'source of truth' for customer, supplier, product and order data. Manual changes made to invoices and purchases within Xero will not be reflected on the corresponding order in Factory.
Invoices, purchases and bills created in Xero will not be automatically sent to Factory.
How Factory and Xero sync data
All customers in Factory can be linked to a corresponding customer contact in Xero, ensuring that all quotes, sales and invoices created in Factory are captured in Xero under the correct customer contact. This link can be updated at any time per customer
When creating new customers in Factory, you can automatically create a corresponding customer contact in Xero at the same time if you wish
Customer contacts can also be imported from Xero, into Factory, at any time.
All suppliers in Factory can be linked to a corresponding supplier contact in Xero, ensuring that all purchase orders and bills created in Factory are captured in Xero under the correct supplier contact. This link can be updated at any time per customer
When creating new suppliers in Factory, you can automatically create a corresponding supplier contact in Xero at the same time if you wish
Supplier contacts can also be imported from Xero, into Factory, at any time.
All products created in Factory can be linked to a corresponding product in Xero ensuring that any invoices sent from Factory to Xero reference the correct products
Multiple products in Factory can be linked to the same Xero product, allowing you flexibility on the number of products you wish to create and maintain inside Xero.
When creating quotes in Factory, a corresponding quote can be created in Xero in real-time
Any quote sent to Xero via the Factory integration will include the corresponding Xero quote # on the quote's page in Factory, as well as the corresponding Factory quote # as a line item on the Xero quote
The automatic sending of newly created quotes to Xero can be toggled on or off within Factory.
Sales Orders
When creating sales orders in Factory, a corresponding invoice can be created in Xero in real-time in a 'draft' status
Any sales order sent to Xero via the Factory integration will include the corresponding Xero invoice # on the order's page in Factory, as well as the corresponding Factory order # as a line item on the Xero invoice
The automatic sending of newly created sales orders to Xero can be toggled on or off within Factory.
When generating invoices for a sales order in Factory, a corresponding invoice can be created and/or updated in Xero in real-time in an 'awaiting payment' status.
Any invoice sent to Xero via the Factory integration will include the corresponding Xero invoice # on the order's page in Factory, as well as the corresponding Factory order # as a line item on the Xero invoice
The automatic sending of newly created invoices to Xero can be toggled on or off within Factory.
Purchase Orders
When creating purchase orders in Factory, a corresponding purchase order can be created in Xero in real-time
Any purchase order sent to Xero via the Factory integration will include the corresponding Xero purchase order # on the quote's page in Factory, as well as the corresponding Factory purchase order # as a line item on the Xero purchase order
The automatic sending of newly created purchase orders to Xero can be toggled on or off within Factory.
When converting purchase orders to bills in Factory, a corresponding bill can be created in Xero in real-time
Any bill sent to Xero via the Factory integration will include the corresponding Xero bill # on the purchase order's page in Factory, as well as the corresponding Factory purchase order # as a line item on the Xero bill
The automatic sending of newly created bills to Xero can be toggled on or off within Factory.