Factory's accounting package integration allows your company to speed up its bookkeeping processes, reduce double handling and decrease manual errors by automating the creation of Customers, Suppliers, Quotes, Invoices, Partial Invoices, Purchases and Bills as they're created in Factory.
Integration overview
Integration settings are enabled by your Administrator or Power User.
Locating this section in app: Settings > Integrations
Select your Accounting package (MYOB, Xero or Quickbooks) to import Customer and Supplier details into Factory.
ποΈ Note: the integration creates a corresponding entry in Factory, that will automatically link data between Factory and your Accounting package.
Accounting packages we integrate with
Factory automatically send quotes, sales, invoices, purchase orders and bills (dependent on the which Options have been enabled) to:
ποΈ Notes:
A user name and password, of an Administrator for your Accounting package, is required for integration.
Once your user name and password have been added you'll be asked to select which Customers and Suppliers you'd like to sync with Factory.
The Import customer and Import supplier tools will also import all delivery addresses and contacts (name, email, phone) from your Accounting package.
How to integrate with Factory
ποΈ Notes:
The following steps are applicable to customers with a subscription to an Accounting package
Your Accounting package login details are required at this stage.
In Settings > Integrations > select either MYOB (steps to integrate with MYOB are here), Quickbooks or Xero (steps to integrate with Xero are here) > choose Connect
When prompted, enter your username and password, along with your authenticator code if required
When requested, specify your default Sales and Purchase accounts.
Importing Customers/Import Suppliers
In order to automatically create Quotes, Invoice, Purchase Orders and Bills in your accounting package, when Orders are processed in Factory, each Customer/Supplier within Factory must be linked to a corresponding Contact/Customer/Supplier) in your accounting package.
Customers/Suppliers can be linked manually, or automatically when they are created in Factory, or they can imported from your accounting package.
ποΈ Notes:
Importing Customers/Suppliers from your accounting package automatically creates a corresponding Customer/Supplier within Factory
Imported customers and suppliers are imported with all address and contact data and are automatically linked back to the corresponding Contact/Customer/ Supplier in your accounting package.
When Import Customers and/or Import Suppliers is selected, a modal/popup window appears to select Customers/Suppliers for importing.
Select Import Customers and/or Import Suppliers to create a corresponding entry in Factory
In the Import Customers/Import Suppliers modal/popup window tick/check specific Customers/Suppliers to be imported, then select Options > Import selected Customers/Suppliers
To import All Customers or Suppliers select Options > Import select customers/suppliers)
Factory will confirm once the import is completed, and will ask you if you want to important more Customers/Suppliers.
ποΈ Note: the Customers/Suppliers can be imported periodically; this action doesn't need to be a once of action, it can be repeated over time.
Already linked and imported Customers/Suppliers
The import tool denotes, with tick or cross, whether or not a Customer/Supplier:
Has previously been imported, and will prevent duplicates from being imported as a result
Is currently linked to an existing Factory customer.
Use search, filter and sort to view a list of Customers/Suppliers that are in your Accounting package.
ποΈ Note: greyed out Customers/Suppliers with an i already exist in Factory.
Integration details, settings and options
Once integrated with an Accounting package review Settings and Options to ensure the correct options are enabled.
Creating an integration with a newly created Customer/ Supplier
This is applicable when adding/creating new Customers or Suppliers in Factory.
If Create customer/supplier in accounting package is enabled, when adding a new Customer or Supplier in Factory, then a corresponding entry will automatically be created in your Accounting package.
ποΈ Note: if Create customer/supplier in accounting package and the Customer/Supplier hasn't been added to your accounting package, an error message will appear when pushing an Order through.