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Workflow Overview

Manage the status/progress of jobs in a Kanban board/master view.

Updated over a week ago

Workflow overview

A Kanban board/master view of all Submitted Sales Orders, by status, that is shareable with staff i.e. those on the factory floor.

Use search, filters and sort to create a view to manage Submitted Sales Orders.

Locating this section in app: Productivity > Workflow

Workflow page features


  • Search by Customer Name, Order # and Status

πŸ—’οΈ Note: adding a partial name or number in Search i.e. typing β€œ61” will return any customer with β€œ61” in their order number e.g. β€œ610”.


πŸ’‘ Tip: save commonly filtered views i.e. a View might be of Urgent orders only; select the relevant filters and select Save new view.


  • Sort by:

    • Created date

    • Required date

    • Order number

    • Customer name

    • Most recent

Job Cards

A job card displays a summary of an Order.

Workflow Settings

Workflow settings: enable Workflow options and notifications for all jobs listed

Factory workflow settings


  • Order colour indicator: Delivery: select colour to indicate deliveries have been made

  • Order colour indicator: Pickup: select colour to indicate pickups have been made

    • Select from pre-assigned colours, or add a HEX code, or drag your cursor to set a desired colour

  • Enable column sorting using checkbox

    • Select the Default column sorting method from:

      • Created date

      • Required date

      • Order number

      • Customer name

      • Most recent


  • Enable email notifications and set email address for notifications

  • Enable SMS notifications

  • Enable Notify customer when order marked as 'Delivered' or 'Picked Up'

  • Save changes

Columns overview

There are six default statuses for Sales Orders, additional status columns can be added to create further statuses.

  • Drag and drop Jobs from the default status column (on the left) to "new" status columns to the right.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: dragging and dropping jobs into "added columns" will change the status of a Sales Order.

πŸ“½οΈ Video clips: setting up and using Workflow.

Creating Statuses/add column

Create additional Statuses for your jobs/workflows.

πŸ’‘ Tip: statuses can be whatever you like to meet your requirements. They could be:

  • Planning

  • Design

  • Prototype

  • In Production/Manufacturing

  • Ready for Collection/Pickup

  • Out for Delivery

  • Select add status column

  • Enter a name of the column/status, press Add to save

πŸ—’οΈ Note: a primary column already exists, this cannot be deleted or have Notifications enabled.

Rename a status column

Simply click on the name of the column to edit.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: the Submitted column name cannot be altered.

Kebab/other options menu

Each newly added column can be edited.

Set Status colour for the column

Select from pre-assigned colours, or add HEX code, or drag cursor to set desired colour.

Sort by

Sort each column independently of other columns, by:

  • Created date

  • Required date

  • Order number

  • Customer name

  • Most recent


  • Enable Notifications for:

    • Email

    • SMS


πŸ—’οΈ Note: deleting a column deletes all the Orders in the column and returns them to the default Submitted column.

View Orders

Click on an Order to view:

Linked resources

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