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Supplier Contacts

Update Supplier's contacts

Updated over 2 months ago

Supplier Contacts overview

A list of all the Supplier’s Contacts e.g. the Suppliers salesperson, accounts contact etc. Use search to view, edit, delete and Add Contacts.

Finding these pages in app:

  • Purchasing > Suppliers > select a Supplier > Contacts

  • Global Search to search for a Supplier


Search by Contact Name.

🗒️ Note: Search allows a partial search i.e. for your Contact you could search Je, and Jessica and Jeffrey will appear in the results.

Add a contact

  1. To add an individual Contact select Add contact.

  2. Edit the New Contact listed in the Contacts list:

  • Contact name (a mandatory field)

  • Email address (must be a valid field i.e. it must have a user name, an @, and a domain)

  • Phone (must use format (xx) xxxx xxxx)

  • Mobile (must use format (xxxx) xxx xxx)

🗒️ Note: Contact name is a mandatory field. If you partially enter details in Email address, Mobile and Phone an invalid popup will appear, you can move on but the Contact will be flagged in red font in the list of Contacts.

Edit a contact

To edit an existing contact, select the + beside the Contact name to edit:

  • Contact name (a mandatory field)

  • Email address (must be a valid field i.e. it must have a user name, an @, and a domain)

  • Phone (must use format (xx) xxxx xxxx)

  • Mobile (must use format (xxxx) xxx xxx)

🗒️ Note: Contact name is a mandatory field. If you partially enter details in Email address, Mobile and Phone an invalid popup will appear, you can move on but the Contact will be flagged in red font in the list of Contacts.

Delete a contact

  1. To delete and existing Contact select the kebab/other options menu.

  2. Select Delete.

🗒️ Notes:

  • It isn’t possible to delete a Contact that is flagged as invalid. The invalid fields will need to be updated/removed prior to a deletion

  • A popup will appear for a short period to undo the deletion, otherwise the Contact will need to re-added if still required.

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