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Product Details

A view of a Product in detail.

Updated over a week ago

Product Details overview

Opening a new or selecting an existing Product takes you through to the Product Details page.

Locating this section in app: Products > Product Catalogue > select any Product

Product Details page

Upon adding Products successfully, more features become available:

  • Product Details

  • Collaborate

  • Order History

Product Details

Displays in-depth information on a Product like:

  • Product image: A visual representation for the product.

  • Product name: Name of the Product.

  • Kebab/other options menu: An option to Duplicate or Delete the Product selected.

  • Settings: Settings on how products will be bought or sold.

  • Pricing: Price Levels for Buying or Selling the Product and Tracking inventory level.


Collaborate over a product and keep all relevant information in one location.

Order History

Product Order History displays all Sales and Purchase Orders for a selected Product.

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