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Product Order History
Product Order History

View all Sales and Purchase Orders for a selected Product.

Updated over a week ago

Product Order History overview

Product Order History page shows the Sales Orders and Purchase Orders for a specific Product.

Locating this section in app: Products> Product Catalogue > select a Product > Order History

Product Order History page features

Search orders

Search by Customer, Supplier, Sales Order #, Purchase Order # and PO # to find an Order.


Order Date

Filter the Product Orders on a specific time period. Filter options for Order Date include year, month, week, or days.

Order Type

Organise Orders for either Sales or Purchases.

  • Select 2 Order Type, or select Sales to view Sales Orders exclusively, or select Purchase to view Purchase Orders exclusively.


Select from Status (the six (6) default Sales Order statuses are listed below):

  • Archived

  • Draft

  • Quote

  • Submitted

  • Delivered

  • Picked Up

Select from Status (the six (6) default Purchase Order statuses are listed below):

  • Archived

  • Draft

  • Submitted

  • Partially Received

  • Received

πŸ—’οΈ Note: selecting All will display every single order.


Sort columns in either ascending or descending Order.


Set the maximum number of results displayed on a page using the dropdown in the bottom right corner, and if required, use the arrows to navigate between pages.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: maximum number of results that can be displayed per page is 35 results.

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