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Insights into historical sales performance, and forecast work based on your Orders

Updated over a week ago

Dashboard overview

Create a customisable view of what's important to you.

Locating this section in app: Dashboard

πŸ—’οΈ Note: each logged-in user has their own independent Dashboard to edit.

Dashboard page features

Create Orders buttons

Select either Create sales order or Create purchase order > enter a Customer's/Supplier's name > select Create order.


Use date range and filters to create a view.

Time Period

Select from the dropdown:

  • Last 30 days (the default setting)

  • Month to date

  • Quarter to date

  • Year to date

  • All time

Order Date

Display information by Order Date (the date an Order was created).

πŸ—’οΈ Note: you need to apply a From and To date if searching a date range.


Select Status/es:

  • Include draft

  • Include archived

  • Include delivered

  • Include picked up


Customisable widgets that can be added to the Dashboard. Categorise into:

  • Business Management

  • Work Management

  • Personal

Add Card

  1. From Dashboard select add card.

  2. Browse by category or scroll to view Cards to add to your Dashboard.

  3. Select Add to Dashboard to select and add a new Card to your Dashboard.

Edit Card

Edit Dashboard to resize and rearrange Cards.

  • Resizing Card: Drag the bottom right corner of a Card towards the top left corner to minimise the Card.

  • Rearrange Card: Select a Card and drag it to the required location.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Save Dashboard when editing is completed.

Delete Card

  1. Select the kebab/other option menu on a Card.

  2. Select Delete to remove a Card from view.

Duplicate Card

  1. Select the kebab/other option menu on a Card.

  2. Select Duplicate to recreate the same Card, then resize to create high level insights or detailed Cards, and move to desired location.

Export to Excel and/or CSV format

  1. Select the kebab/other option menu on a Card.

  2. Select Export to Excel Format or Export to CSV Format to download data.

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