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A searchable list of materials, colours and finishes

Updated over a week ago

Materials overview

A list of all Product materials (colours and finishes).

Materials are selected under Product Settings to create a Materials tab in the Pricing table to display costs for each material.

Locating this section in app: Products > Materials

Materials page features

Use search to create a view to edit, duplicate and archive Materials.

Search Materials

Search by Material name.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Search allows a partial search of a Material Name i.e. searching "color" will result in "Colorbond"

Show Archived Materials

Use the checkbox to Show Archived Materials.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Materials can only be archived, and not deleted.

Archive Materials

Select the kebab/other options menu aligned to a Material and select Archive.

To view Archived materials see here.

Duplicate Materials

Select the kebab/other options menu aligned to a Material and select Duplicate.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: a duplicated material will be listed alphabetically as "copy of [material name]".

Adding Materials

Adding materials to your Materials list either via Add material or Duplicate an existing material.

  • Select Add material

    • Add a material name

    • Under Material Options add:

      • Colours/Finishes

      • Enable if Not sold in colours

      • Save


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