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Job schedule/production planner; assign jobs to people and/or labels.

Updated over a week ago

Planner overview

Assign/schedule work to people and time when jobs are in production/in progress.

Locating section in app: Productivity > Planner

Planner page features

πŸ“½οΈ Video clip: Planner walkthrough

Use search and filters to create a view to manage Jobs.


Search by Customer Name, Order # and Labels.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: adding a partial name or number in Search i.e. typing β€œ61” will return any customer with β€œ61” in their order number or purchase order number e.g. β€œ610”.


Narrow and customise Job Cards by filtering by:


Create your own view based on your area of focus.

πŸ’‘ Tip: save commonly filtered views i.e. a View might be of Urgent orders only:

  1. Select the relevant filters and select Save new view.

  2. Enter view name and select Set as your default view.

  3. Save.

Show/Hide users

Show or hide users based area of specialisation

Show/Hide orders

Show or hide Orders, whether Scheduled or Unscheduled.

Filter by assignee

Sort Job Cards by selected assignee.

Filter by labels

Selection of Labels are based on the Labels you have created.


Planner Settings: enable working hours for the team

Collapse/expand Orders view

Collapse/expand view list of Orders.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Orders from this list can be dragged and dropped into the Planner to be assigned to time.


Daily, weekly, or monthly calendar views for the scheduled orders.

View Orders

Click on an Order to view:

🚫 Warning: edits made in this view aren't saved; if edits to an Order are required view the Order in Sales Orders (Sales > Sales Orders).

Using Planner

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